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Harlequin Youth TheatreHarlequin Youth Theatre
Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation No. SC052420

Cinderella talk-in

31st May 2017

Talk In

Wednesday 31st May 2017


Library of Braidbar Primary School

All members eligible for pantomime welcome. All members rehearsing for Matilda will be given their own mini talk in during their rehearsal break.

Audition Workshop
Wednesday 16th August 2017

Starts after AGM (AGM is likely to begin at 7.30pm)

Braidbar Primary School

All members auditioning for a principal role asked to attend.


Sunday 20th August 2017

Starting from 2pm

United Reform Church (the Church of Harry Fairbairn)

All auditionees required.

Extra Information

We are aware that some members who are keen to audition for principal roles in the pantomime may be out of the country on the 20th August. If this is the case, please be aware that we will be holding a mini workshop after the talk in and allowing you to audition following this. This is only open to members who will not be in the country on August 20th. If you are in this position, please contact me to let me know.

Details of who can audition and what the audition will consist of will be given at the talk in.

If you need to contact me for anything pantomime related, please e-mail me on mcleanka@hotmail.co.ukor phone/text me on07747444357.

Past Show Photos

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