26th November 2017
The Club is auditioning for both junior and senior members on this date-further information will be released through the website and facebook/twitter feed on 23rd October regarding registration.
Further information about these auditions will then be sent to those registered about the time and venue.
To be eligible to join Harlequin Junior Section you must be 9 years old by Sunday 3rd June 2018 and no older than S3 in secondary school. You will be joining for the production of Guys and Dolls-show week runs from 3-9th June 2018.
To be eligible to join the senior section you must be in S4 or above but no older than 21 years by Sunday 18th March 2018. You will be joining for the production of Sister Act-show week runs from 18-24th March 2018.
You will not normally be considered for a principal role in your first production with Harlequin.